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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Disney Planet Challenge -- Runners-up!

We were named runners-up in the disney planet challenge! We get $50 gift certificate for the teacher and certificates for all! :-) I'll take it! Great work pollution posse!
Mr. F :-)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Helping people around the world! (:

As you may know, our science & advisory teacher, Mr.Forde, had recently gone to India. He has seen many schools who can't afford to buy science, technology, and many more useful materials! Our advisory wants to change that, we want to be able to donate 100$ (or more!) to the director of the foundation! Our currency is very distinct to theirs, so while 100 dollars here can buy a couple of science experiments, you can buy lots of science & technological items over in India. we want to see smiles on indian children & teachers seeing their students succeding. & we do too! As you can see, with your genourous help we can help these people. so, watch out for our traveling van going around the school to gather money to donate to them!
The Pollution Posse Team! (:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Caps to AVEDA!

Hi All,
We have been continuing to collect bottle caps and have already sent two cases to AVEDA! See the link below for more. I estimate 22 pounds of plastic caps so far and another case is close to being put in the mail!

Great job advisory...think of all of those caps (literally 1,000's) not getting into the waste stream!
Mr. F :-)
Letters on plastic recycling to the Mayor and to the Governor!
We FINALLY sent out our letters encouraging plastic recycling through the reduction of plastic bag use.
Here is the letter to Governor Malloy!
What do you think? Mr. F :-)
------------- THE LETTER ------------------
Dear Governor Malloy,
Our school, Scofield Magnet Middle School, has entered the nationwide Disney Planet Challenge as an advisory. One of our key focuses is plastic bags and pollution. More specifically, we would like to turn all of Stamford over to reusable bags over these plastic bags. You may or you may not know that the city of Westport in Connecticut has gone to only using reusable bags. We read about an article of how they did it in the New York Times. The article said the town passed a bill that stated if any business used plastic bags; there would be a $150 fine. At first, Stop & Shop was against the banning of plastic bags, but they were soon cheering for people who remembered to bring in their reusable bags! We should help the environment by making it mandatory to use the reusable bags. In Westport, there was a 70% increase in people using reusable bags at their local stores after the plastic bags were banned. Also, 600,000 fewer bags per year have been used, just in Westport, since the ban of plastic bags started. According to our research, before Westport started their banning initiative, the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles in California also banned plastic bags from being used. We feel that banning plastic bags in Stamford will help the environment immensely. Making this change could impact how much Connecticut as a state recycles. This also reduces the amount of petroleum Connecticut uses. In Grade-A they give you 5 cents back for each recyclable bag you bring to the store. We would like to make a big impact with our advisory’s community service and also in the Disney Planet Challenge, and we hope you will consider our ideas. Thank you for your time.
Mr. Forde’s Advisory
Scofield Magnet Middle School
641 Scofieldtown Road
Stamford, CT 06903
(203) 977-2750