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Friday, October 29, 2010

From the Plastic Pollution Coalition....

The REFUSE Pledge
Disposable plastics are the greatest source of plastic pollution. Designed to be discarded, straws, plastic bottles, plastic utensils, lids, plastic bottles and so many others offer a small convenience but remain forever. REFUSE disposable plastics! Follow the “4 Rs” of sustainable living: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

We did a beach clean up in September!

Click here to see a slide show of us hard at work!

2009 Beach Clean-up Data

In 2009 the international beach clean up found anything from cigarette butts to 55 gallon drums (and other household appliances). We participated by going to a local event at Soundwaters/ Cove Island Beach. Internationally there was 7.4 million pounds of debris collected! That's a lot of garbage!!

Marine debris can hurt humans by exposing them to sharb objetcs like broken glass and metal cans.

The three most common items found last year were: 1) Cigarettes/butts 2) Plastic Bags 3) Food Wrappers/Containers. These can be very harmful to marine life.

What do you think we can do to make a difference and reduce this terrible amount of marine debris?

Let us know!!! --- The Pollutuion Posse

Friday, October 22, 2010

Save Our Sound!!!!

WELCOME!! We are a group of students that are trying to decrease the amount of garbage, pollution, and plastic waste in the Long Island Sound! Our class has entered in a Disney Planet Challenge to help the earth go green. You should try being green yourself too. By joining in on our project with the Long Island Sound, you yourself are being a green hero!Just the little things you do by picking up garbage when you pass it and shutting off the lights when your are not in a room can make such a big difference!!! Please help support us in our big green project by posting on our blog daily and helping the world one step at a time!