In 2009 the international beach clean up found anything from cigarette butts to 55 gallon drums (and other household appliances). We participated by going to a local event at Soundwaters/ Cove Island Beach. Internationally there was 7.4 million pounds of debris collected! That's a lot of garbage!!
Marine debris can hurt humans by exposing them to sharb objetcs like broken glass and metal cans.
The three most common items found last year were: 1) Cigarettes/butts 2) Plastic Bags 3) Food Wrappers/Containers. These can be very harmful to marine life.
What do you think we can do to make a difference and reduce this terrible amount of marine debris?
Let us know!!! --- The Pollutuion Posse
i think we should conduct our own beach clean up and find out a way to prevent these types of pollutions from happening. maybe we can make a cigarette garbage or something...